Reason 13 – Property value updates

property value review

Property Value Updates

We offer every client who buys a property, a complimentary appraisal of their property on the first anniversary of their purchase, and in subsequent years upon request.

At present, many of those appraisals reflect the recent slow-down in the Adelaide property market. Some prices are now below what our clients paid two or three years ago.

Of course, changes in value (up or down) only become significant to the property if the client decides to sell.

Property values have never moved evenly in any direction for very long; there are always pauses and minor (sometimes major) reversals in values.

Also as we’ve written before ( see Property is Not Fungible ), because the relative value of an individual property depends as much on how it’s changed and cared-for by the owner, as on its location etc.

It always pays to take good care of property!

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