What does a buyer agent actually do?

In its simplest form, the function of a buyer agent is to work with a person or organisation to buy a property.

Simple enough, you say, but wait, there’s much more to it.

Buying a property means navigating a sometimes complex pathway through over and around:

  • Council and state regulations,
  • Other parties’ priorities,
  • Documentation,
  • Market and neighbourhood research;
  • Negotiating not only price, but other contract terms as well,
  • Building and pest inspections,
  • Conveyancing;
  • Transfer of the title and eventually
  • Moving in, or…
  • Finding a tenant – another highly regulated minefield.

Traversing this process without professional support and guidance, while the current owner of the property has put it in the hands of an agent working solely on the seller’s behalf can be a challenge.

Instead, why not have an initial, no-charge conversation with an experienced professional buyer agent with more than 20 years’ successful experience in the field?

RealTeam - Buyer Agent in Adelaide
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