Saving Clients’ Money At Auctions

Despite the current “sellers’ market” with too many buyers chasing too few properties, I’ve been able to assist clients to buy successfully while staying within their budget and/or buying below the auction reserve price.

Recently, I’ve acted as a proxy bidder for various clients.

North eastern suburbs:

A couple were too nervous to bid at auction for themselves, so they engaged me as their proxy.

The neat & tidy, well-presented 3-bedroom home was just what they wanted. I opened the bidding around what I thought would be the owner’s reserve price level, and after only three or four bids, secured the property at a price well below the client’s budget.

They were delighted!

North eastern suburbs:

A lady asked me to act as her proxy at an auction while she was away on business. She had already arranged a building inspection etc., and was very keen to buy this home.

A small crowd gathered as the auction drew near. I opened the bidding and bid strongly against two others, until the auctioneer went to consult with the owner.

At the end, I was able to buy this property while saving my client over $50,000 from their budget.

North-western suburbs

I recently attended the auction of a classic, 100-year-old home in Adelaide’s north-west, near the beach. I was there to bid on behalf of an interstate client seeking a foothold in Adelaide.

As usual in the current market, there was lots of buzz before the auction as people wandered through the property, admiring a lovingly maintained home with large rooms, ceilings, classic cornices, high skirting boards and a surprisingly sound bluestone exterior,

On behalf of my client, I had undertaken some due diligence, including examining the vendor’s disclosures (Form 1), a building inspection, neighbourhood insights, and even interviewing the immediate neighbours.

I opened the bidding with an offer I judged to be slightly below the reserve.

That had the effect of dismissing bidders who may have wanted to bid & buy at a lower price level.

The auction bidding was over quite quickly and the auctioneer went inside to consult with the owner’s family.

After some discussion, I bought the property about 5% below the reserve price and also below my client’s budget limit. Needless to say, my interstate client was delighted!

RealTeam - Buyer Agent in Adelaide
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