Buyers Agents Blog

Real estate market - Adelaide - Spring 2023

What’s the Market doing?

This is a question I hear quite a lot.
Everyone seems uncertain, and basically wants to know the future – at least near-term.

First home buyers tips - Adelaide

First Home Buyers

Are you a first-home buyer in Adelaide? Here is a list of things to keep in mind as you take your first step into the propery market.


Funding your next property

Few things are more disappointing than finding that ‘perfect’ property, then being unable to buy because the bank has ‘adjusted’ the loan amount.

Buyers agent can help with tree change

Tree change for affordability

ME Bank today released the top 20 regional towns in Australia for first home buyers looking for an affordable lifestyle boost after the COVID-19 pandemic. Nairne

Investors saving $82 per week house

Investors can save $82 per week

Owners of income-producing properties are eligible for significant taxation benefits and yet some of the perks continue to fly under the radar.

Using a buyers agent is the key to securing property

The Key to Getting the Property

…afterwards, the selling agent said “we had two identical offers, the owners felt more confident because there’s a buyer’s agent helping your buyer”

Land Ownership

Land Ownership

Realtors® should recognize that the interests of the nation & its citizens require the best use of the land and the widest distribution of land ownership.

Is there an “Aldi Effect”?

In some countries, property prices near Aldi supermarkets have risen significantly. As Adelaide’s supermarket landscape changes, will it affect property prices?

RealTeam - Buyer Agent in Adelaide
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