I attended an auction in Norwood today… so did about 80 other people. Property is an old bluestone cottage, extensively renovated, and extended, to turn it into a stylish home for …
Overlooking Victoria Square, Adelaide and 30 story’s high, the Kodo apartment complex with high quality finishes is aimed at owner-occupiers.
The media is heavily controlled and is by no means qualified to give any investment advice. Be careful about who influences you in your property purchase decisions.
Mining towns can be risky for property investors due to uncertain commodity prices. The proposed new Mawson Iron Project might be good for property investors.
A look at the current trends of the ‘densification’ of property and what it means to people who currently own property and for those about to buy property.
More houses are coming to market but demand still exceeds supply. Property investors are finding it difficult to obtain new properties with good rent yields.
Michael, a long-standing member of the REAL ESTATE INSTITUTE of SA, joins more than 29,000 real estate professionals in North America and Internationally, who have earned the ABR designation
Trends and attitudes among people in the same generational phase are very similar in most English-speaking countries. Here’s the 2015 report on home buying trends for young and old.
Landlords to be banned from letting energy-inefficient homes 5 February 2015, source edie newsroom Resource use ‘must be separated from economic growth’, says UNEP By
Finding the right investment property is important to suit the individual needs and goals of the investor.
In January of each year for the past 10 years, Demographia has published the Annual Housing Affordability Survey, covering 360 markets in nine countries, including Australia (where there’s NO affordable housing). To whet your appetite for the imminent 2015 edition, here’s
The brief, although much more comprehensive than this, was to find a home in a particular seaside location, with… ocean views, indoor and outdoor space to
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